
The Florida Medical Cannabis Association is the first not for profit trade association to successfully demonstrate a leadership roll in setting the legislative and regulatory groundwork for Florida’s medical cannabis industry.

Our mission is to ensure that the unique collective interests of qualified medical cannabis businesses are continuously addressed before policymakers. We seek to ensure a level playing field among similarly situated participants, in which a legal and regulatory framework promotes systemic stability, economic growth, and a safe and comprehensive medical cannabis industry.

With strong ties to the business community, policy makers, both elected and appointed as well as a non-partisan approach, FLMCA has been the only association to take a lead role in the industry on addressing complex legal, financial , technical issues in the regulatory and judicial advocacy context. FLMCA’s approach to advocacy and industry commentary is analytical and empirically driven based on extensive experience and original research.


Our Team

Our executive team has the depth and experience to be a resource and partner to our members and the industry. Our deep, long-standing relationships across the regulatory, legislative, legal, medical, and law-enforcement communities lend credibility to influence the rulemaking and standard-setting process.


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